time flies...
class 9 today~
he will graduate next week!!
normally will do some warm up at the beginning... then clean up
then sing "where is Avan~"
then sing "what's the weather like today~"
sometimes will sing other song "one little finger, the wheels on the bus goes round and round... etc"
then play drum "hello hello hello.... hello how you do"...
then play with tommy - learn eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tongue, hands, or legs
then snack time... + some activities to do on the table (paint, artwork, etc)
then exercise (walk.. crawl... body development)
then good bye song (bubble time)
exercise time~
learn hand...
pratice to walk sidway whe he couldn't walk properly still... ahhaha
paint - hand
bb's favourite bubble time~
finally ms carmen can see Avan walk by himself today!!
what a christmas gift!!