I admit I am not those agressive type... i know myself da best.... that's why i know i'm not a front line person like being a sales...
I admit I am not those agressive type... i know myself da best.... that's why i know i'm not a front line person like being a sales...
today i saw a kid maybe around 7-8 yrs old in jusco... he took a can of dog food and bite the corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hello?!?! that's not the food but the CAN only)... then the salesperson said "sorry, you can't bite it" then he put it back on da rack and kept running around... i wondered where his parents were at that time.............. and i totally understood how that salesperson felt... she must monitored this kid........ later on.. he kept on opening and closing the door of the fridge without taking anything out!!! just simply opening and closing with a loud sound!!! that salesperson followed and said "anything i could help you to get??"
i use to do weird things again........... hahahahha
i use to hug my jum jum when i am watching tv or playing computer.. and my jum jum will sit on my lap... hahahah then.................... i will say "jum jum misses papa.." and push the jum jum to husband's face and ask him to smell it! hahahahahhaha.. and make jum jum sit on his shoulder... but my husband doesn't like it at all... and say it stinks and pushes it away..........
Sooooooooooooooooooooo COooollllllllllllllllllddddddddddddddddd
i wear two jackets today... this is sooo crazy........
Congratulation Betty & Carlton!!!!!!!!!!!!
so happy for u guys....
having homemade lunch from my parents is the most sweetesttttttttttttt... and i can feel their love!! hehehehe they haven't made me lunch after elementary school i believe....
i have difficulty whenever i face choices... especially with 1+ choices that i like... i donno which one to choose.......
as hobee said, this is my song~~~ hahahaha