目前分類:just 4 fun (53)

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went to Citywalk in TW, dropped by a shop full of those 扭蛋機...  normally i won't go inside but didn't know why i went in there and walked 1 round this time...  and i saw Pichonkun 扭蛋機ss!!!!!!!  hahahah i wanna get one coz it's soooo cuteeeeeeeee.....  hahahah  so hobee gave me a good luck 10 bucks for me to twist and prayed for da color i want...  dim ji..................  da egg STUCKED inside and didn't fall out!!!!!!!!!  great...  wuwuuwuwuw  Angry  needa go to da CS counter for help and there's a woman marked down our contact number and that machine number and told us to wait for 1 week...  someone gonna contact us to get back that egg...  i was like.. haaaaa  isn't it easier just to give me back 10 bucks rather than ask us to wait for a week?!  aii...  ok so we wait ha wait ha..  still no one contact us to get back da egg!!  almost 2 weeks laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...  wuwuwuuw  how did they treat my lovely Pichonkun~~~~~~~~~~~

杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

muahhahahahahah  lu...  i'm not an octopus anymore!!!  i wish i were an octopus with tons of hands so i can handle multi-tasks!!  hahahahhahahaha  jeng!!  coz 1 day is not enough for me...

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muahahhaha...  guess what's this?

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talked about a building near da pier on da phone with hobee...

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wakkakakak  my art work~~

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"i tot i have found my horse so i have dump my cow, then i found out that the horse is actually a donkey"  --- Cynthia C.

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  第六型 -- 忠誠型

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  • May 09 Wed 2007 00:17
  • math~*

hobee + baobee

杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

hahaha this is so hilarious man.. -___________- but so damn true...  HAHAHAHAHHA


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Dig it out from my email which i find it so freaking funny...  HAHAHAHA...  so just post it up for sharing~

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