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杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

haven't watched korean movies, soap, game shows for a long time.....  hahahahha

but i fall back to it again!!!

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杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


大前日剛退役的韓國男歌手安七炫,前晚急不及待在首爾舉行歌迷聚會,與逾 600名亞洲粉絲見面,除獲父母現身打氣外,同門的東方神起成員 U-Know及少女時代等也預錄短片歡迎他重返藝能界。

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TVB Good Show 2010~ 

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杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

probably hearing lots of bad comments so better than i thot.....  hahaha the show starts at 8:20pm and ends at 10:50pm!  hehehehe

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woahhh...  good movie!!!  hehehehe

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finally watched this movie...  i always think movies with oscar awards are so damn boring...  so lucky this movie don't disappointed and make me fall asleep, in fact the plot is quite tense with details explained...  i enjoy this movie so much =)

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杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

played badminton with hobee, lu, and hen from 12-1pm in Dai Wo Hau and i LOST 2 matches...  Crying  so ashamed.................  hahahah  then went to hobee's house for tw mj...  LOST 13 bucks!!!  hahhahahaha  what a lost day...  Wilted rose

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thot we gonna line up forever for da 2 haunted houses...  but surprisingly we finished both haunted houses around 8:xxpm!!  hahahaha  so lucky~~  da line up wasn't as long as we thot probably coz da line up kept moving on a slow pace and we took lots of crazy pics as we waited...  and not really that much ppl waiting coz they watched parade first and da expected waiting time was estimatead to be LONGER...  so we finished both haunted houses quicky~~  after dat we lined up for space mountain...  holy crab...  we waited way longer than we waited for each of da haunted houses...  what da...?!?  hahaha  after that we were so hungry so we ate burgers and walked around...  left around 11:xxpm...

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so excited!!!  hahahahhahaha  last time was 2 yrs ago, went to the halloween @ ocean park with my colleages which was pretty fun and cool...  there're 6 haunted houses in total and we entered all of them coz we got da fast passes!!!  hahahhaha 

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this was a joke i faced at work...  yes a true story...

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celebrated lovely alison's bday last week @ Shino Neway on fri...  hahaha

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happy bday stupid fat chick...

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a sunny day for boat cruise...  wohohoho  SunHot  obviously no matter how MUCH sun block i put on, i still got TANNED!  whatever....  hahahahha  i dun care...... 

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